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My Favorite Healing Things

Healing | Living Whole

I always remind people that I am not a doctor. This is not advice. Everything on this page is things I or others have tried and I love to share information in hopes you or someone you know may find it helpful in some way. I have learned so much over the years on my own personal health journey. The biggest realization was that everything is connected. Everything we ingest, inject, and use on our skin, breath, and touch will have an effect on our health. Our physical, emotional, and psychological health is all intertwined. As soon as you recognize that, the better. We can't expect to heal and be healthy if we are eating organic foods, but then injecting ourselves with toxic chemicals and unknown substances. We can't heal if our emotional health is off balance. It's so important we recognize this and then we can start to heal the right way. I will be adding things here, I hope you find helpful. It will take time,  but stay with me.


In regards to clotting: I have been reading from multiple sources that certain enzymes can be used to help with clots for those who have had the injections. Though I personally have not had the Covid injection, I have had a clot in which I used the enzymes on this page per the recommendation made to me. From my personal experience, it helped me in more ways than just my clot. Not only did my clot go away, but it helped diminish a couple of small mole-like spots on my skin. I found them to have the best results when I took them at bedtime. As always, I highly recommend always doing your own research to see what is best for you. You can read more about the Enzymes I use HERE.


Thiamine (Vitamin B1 and the heart): Studies have shown a major thiamin deficiency in those with things like heart failure and autoimmune issues such as hyperthyroidism. I have been reading up a lot on this topic and have seen some take up to 600mg of vitamin B1 showing significant improvement in heart function including things like lessening heart palpitations. You can read more on this topic HERE and HERE.


Detoxing Heavy Metals: I started using ZeoLite by Touchstone Essentials back in 2020. It was recommended to me by a healer friend. Since I was vax injured many years ago and we know that vaccines contain a lot of very toxic heavy metals, this was something I wanted to do. There have been countless testimonies over the years of people using this with great results so I thought to add it. There have been more than 300 studies listed on showing the beneficial properties of Clinoptilolite zeolite, a mineral that has a natural ability to trap toxins, heavy metals, and environmental pollutants. I've uploaded the ZeoLite White Papers which you can read HERE and HERE


Cancer: We have seen an explosion of cancer since the shots and the deployment of 5G. I have heard countless stories of cancer patients of all ages using  raw organic apricot seeds. You can read about them HERE. Always do your own research and follow protocols to be sure you are taking the right amount of anything for yourself. Every body is different. The apricot seeds I use can be found below. I have been using them as a preventative. 


The WavWatch has quickly become my absolute favorite healing tool. I began using it in April 2024 after a friend recommended it to me. Before sharing it here I wanted to trial it out myself for a number of months. As I write this is is September 2024. This frequency watch has been an invaluable investment in my health. It has over 1000+ healing frequencies including ones for things like Spike 
Proteins, Myocarditis, Pericarditis, inflammation, blood detox, neuropathy, auto-immune conditions, and so much more. The first day I used this I played frequencies for chronic pain from a foot injury. I have had this pain since last year consistently on a daily basis. I played a bone trauma frequency and since then my pain has disappeared. I have used it for a host of other things including for my back and heart palpitations with great outcomes. When 

I am flying, I use the EMF detox frequency and when I'm around a lot of people in closed quarters, I use the spike frequency to help mitigate shedding. I have since been recommending this my family and friends. I truly believe that every household should have a least one of these on hand. The best part is they have a money back guarantee if you decide it doesn't work for you. However, I think the reviews speak for themselves.  If you use code: HolisticWildAndFree at checkout, you get $100 off.​


100 OFF!

Use Code: HolisticWildAndFree

Helpful Notes For Using The Watch

I'm including some notes I share with my friends and family.The Watch should be warn on the left wrist. Do not use while working out. Run frequencies while relaxed(Sitting, driving, sleeping etc). Hydrate before and after. Some frequencies may help you after running once depending on the issue. Some may need to be ran multiple times. It can take a full day to feel a difference with some. Some issues may need regular maintenance with frequencies. Sometimes you may need to run a frequency for the root cause of a problem not just the symptoms. The sound should be set between 4-8. You don't need to hear the sound for it to work. Some frequencies have a much lower sound that's harder to hear. Don't worry, you can't feel the frequencies.


Organic Apricot Seeds

Organic Apricot Seeds

MitoLife Dissolve-It-All

MitoLife Dissolve-It-All

Serra Rx Serrapeptase

Serra Rx Serrapeptase







ZeoLite Detox

ZeoLite Detox

Vitamin B1(Thiamin)

Vitamin B1(Thiamin)

What works for you?

Please always consult a medical professional and do your own research.


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